
FAQ - security and Confidentiality

Sigilium is ISO 27001 certified and compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You will find below the answers to the most frequently asked questions:

Apr 14, 2024


FAQ - security and Confidentiality

Sigilium is ISO 27001 certified and compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You will find below the answers to the most frequently asked questions:

Apr 14, 2024

Is Sigilium reliable, secure and confidential ? Are our data safe ?

Is Sigilium reliable, secure and confidential ? Are our data safe ?

Is our data backed up in case of an emergency ?

Is our data backed up in case of an emergency ?

Are our email signatures lost or unavailable in case of issues with Sigilium's servers ?

Are our email signatures lost or unavailable in case of issues with Sigilium's servers ?

Does Sigilium have access to our emails content ?

Does Sigilium have access to our emails content ?

What is HTTPS ? Why does it help to keep our data secured ?

What is HTTPS ? Why does it help to keep our data secured ?

How will Sigilium use my account's data ?

How will Sigilium use my account's data ?

How does Sigilium protect my personal data?

How does Sigilium protect my personal data?

Do you have a data protection officer appointed for your organization ?

Do you have a data protection officer appointed for your organization ?

How do you ensure that my data protection rights are protected ?

How do you ensure that my data protection rights are protected ?

Do you maintain a data processing register of all your activities?

Do you maintain a data processing register of all your activities?

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